Who Needs Sleep?

WHO NEEDS SLEEP? receives standing ovation


Haskell in his 12on12off Hat

WHO NEEDS SLEEP? receives standing ovation at Labourstart 2010 Global Solidarity Conference!

Trade union delegates from over 28 countries and members of the Toronto film and television community attended a screening of Who Needs Sleep? followed by a lively discussion with Haskell Wexler on Saturday, July 10, 2010 as part of the first annual Labourstart 2010 Global Solidarity Conference.

Brothers and sisters from across the labour movement pledged their support and solidarity for the 12on12off campaign, expressing their shock at the industry standard for working hours and the total unwillingness of the unions to address the issue, despite a clear message from the rank and file that this is a crisis situation.

A number of university professors and union educators said they will be using the film as part of their curriculum.

With thanks to the support, wisdom and expertise of brothers and sisters from other unions, efforts are underway to develop a political and organizing campaign to move 12on12off forward across North America, including screenings for industry workers, enhanced petition efforts and the development of organizing kits.


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Vote NO on 400 Hours





VIST 400hours.Com for more INFO

Are YOU still going to qualify for health care under the contract that we are about to vote on? The AMPTP wants to Raise the number of hours to qualify for Health Insurance from 300 to 400 hours.

The AMPTP told our negotiators that at least 10% (or a minimum of 3,500)  IA members and their families currently covered by the medical plan have to be dropped, because of “projected” losses. This doesn’t even count the ones who currently do not qualify under the 300 hour minimum.

Many of our members will lose their Health Care if this is passed.  
If the contract is passed, your 
bankable hours will NOT increase.
WE will NEVER get the 300 hours back if we lose them now.

VIST 400hours.Com for more INFO

Posted in Current Issues, General, Who Needs Sleep? 2 Comments »

Longer hours, longer hours






If the proposed union contract that was “negotiated” by our union leadership is ratified, everyone will have to work even more hours, more hours in the day, to qualify for the all important health plan the union provides. We will be required to further jeopardize our health, our very lives, to even be able to qualify for the plan coverage which is supposed to benefit us. There may well be more injury and death in our industry as workers try to preserve their health and safety, working under a new contract that does neither.

Hollywood box office up 2% to $9.78 BILLION GROSS.

Ratify the proposed contract today, and beginning in two short years YOU will need to work 33% more hours just to keep yourself and your family covered under the Motion Picture Health Plan.

Then, kiss your Bank of Hours goodbye.

Our new contract merits a resounding “NO” vote from the rank-and-file.
Send our negotiators back to the bargaining table by rejecting the proposed 2009-12 contract!

Visit 400 HOURS.com  to learn more about why you should vote “NO,” and make sure that every single friend and colleague in the IATSE does the same.

Posted in Current Issues, General, Who Needs Sleep? No Comments »

Cell phones and the law

I purchased a handsfree device for use with my cell phone, to comply with the new law, and this is a good thing that will benefit us all. Talking on a cell phone while driving is still not the best thing to do but the handsfree operation will help to focus on driving, hopefully avoiding accidents that not only could harm me but jeopardizes everyone else on the road.

     In L.A., every day of the week, hundreds of people leave work, get in their cars, and put themselves and lots of other people on the road, at high risk of accidents, injury and death, and this is attributable to something much more dangerous and widespread than talking on a cell phone. All of the movie and television crew people who leave work after having worked routinely 14 or 15 hours a day, are getting out on the road in an impaired state, chronically sleep deprived, more impaired and less capable of driving safely than even if they had been drinking — and there is no law against this, yet. It is a well documented fact that over 50% of all accidents involve drowsy driving.

Officer Phil had some personal words to say in this clip from “Who Needs Sleep?” prepared for use by the National Sleep Foundation.

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